viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011
Early Reggae ....en Honduras (1969 - 1970) By Ruffy
Poco se sabe de la musica Hondureña de los 60s y 70s mas alla de el Ritmo Punta, algunos grupos de Surf y Garage. Pero lo que si se ha mantenido a un nivel mas oculto/oscuro es sus referencias Jamaicanas; alla el Reggae instrumental a lo Hippie Boys o Upsetters lo llamaron Rocksteady (y funciona a manera de dedicatoria) y existe toda una tradicion de conjuntos musicales, de la que poco o nada se sabe fuera de ese pais.
Estoy casi seguro, que habra montones de agrupaciones en el estilo (su cercania con Jamaica es obvia), asi que seguire investigando mas acerca del tema (gracias a mi proxima visita a Centro America), por ahora les traigo cuatro magnificos ejemplos. Todos fueron grabados en El Salvador ya que en Honduras no existian estudios en esos años.
Los Robins - "El enterrador"
Esto es para no creerselo y volverse loco, cuando lo escuche la primera vez pense que habia soñado y a la siguiente mañana lo volvi a escuchar, Un grupo hondureño versionando a Ramon y los Crystalites (Si! los de Derick Harriott), el mismisimo "Undertaker", aca llamado "El enterrador", ¿Alguien tiene una explicacion a esto?
Los Kobdas - Mr. Modesto
Un instrumental de Miguel Valladares, dedicado a un futbolista de la epoca. al final de la cancion se escucha "Dance Rocksteady".
Los Costeños de Honduras - "Zoila"
Otro Instrumental dedicado a una empresaria, con mucha influencia de Byron Lee en este caso.
Los Robins - "Patricia"
Estos (los mismos de "El enterrador")eran de una ciudad llamada La Ceiba, es mi favorita y no me extraña que varios collectors de Skinhead Reggae empiezen a buscarla en ebay desde ya, como es de esperarse estos sencillos salieron en ediciones muy limitadas y en disqueras muy péqueñas de Honduras.
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4 comentarios:
There is little known about the Honduran music of 60s and 70s beyond the Ritmo Punta, the name for the local Surf and Garage groups. What has stayed in the dark has been the Jamaican influences; such as the instrumental Reggae in the style of the Hippie Boys or Upsetters called Rocksteady (as a sort of homage) there exists a whole tradition of musical acts, of which little or anything is known outside the country.
I am almost sure that there must be piles of groups in the style (its proximity with Jamaica is obvious), so I will continue investigating the subject (thanks to my proximity to Central America). For now I bring you four superb examples. All were recorded in El Salvador since no studios existed in Honduras in those years.
The Robins - " Enterrador" This is enough to drive you crazy, it is almost beyond belief. After first hearing it I woke in the morning thinking I had just dreamt it, an Honduran group in the style of Ramon and the Crystalites (Yes Derrick Harriott’s Crystalites), the band’s own " Undertaker" here called "Enterrador". Can someone explain this to me?
Tu blog traducido. Un undertaker es un director de una case funeraria por eso la han puesto "enterrador"
There is little known about the Honduran music of 60s and 70s beyond the Ritmo Punta, the name for the local Surf and Garage groups. What has stayed in the dark has been the Jamaican influences; such as the instrumental Reggae in the style of the Hippie Boys or Upsetters called Rocksteady (as a sort of homage) there exists a whole tradition of musical acts, of which little or anything is known outside the country.
I am almost sure that there must be piles of groups in the style (its proximity with Jamaica is obvious), so I will continue investigating the subject (thanks to my proximity to Central America). For now I bring you four superb examples. All were recorded in El Salvador since no studios existed in Honduras in those years.
The Robins - " Enterrador" This is enough to drive you crazy, it is almost beyond belief. After first hearing it I woke in the morning thinking I had just dreamt it, an Honduran group in the style of Ramon and the Crystalites (Yes Derrick Harriott’s Crystalites), the band’s own " Undertaker" here called "Enterrador". Can someone explain this to me?
Tu post traducido, un Undertaker es un director funerario por eso le han puesto "el Enterrador"
nice music!
wow!!! canciones buenísimas!!! gracias - sonido franko
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